Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Turkey buzzard....Texas Eagle....

Do you see anything in the distance???
 we walked up on a couple of Turkey Buzzards....
at the same barn we had seen one before...
I didn't have my long zoom lens on....
I was a little nervous to get too close...
after the whole goose episode....
I'm a little more cautious ...
Hubby walked up a little closer...
took a few photos for me...
Hotrod and I stayed back....

True love....
they didn't seem to mind us at all....
my thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Boston....
 My son and DIL put in a offer on their first home...
sending prayers their way....
(It's in our town.....just a few minutes away)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea buzzards kissed, especially in public... LOL i call them God's Garbage Guys...I think you were safe as long as you did not lay down and play dead. Hope all goes well with the new house

Judy said...

I love the two images of them on the roof!!!
I saw one cruising low over a parking lot I was crossing yesterday.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I do NOT like those birds! They GROSS me out...but you got some good photos!

Oh, praying for the people of Boston! SO AWFUL.

Bev said...

Don't think I've seen buzzards before:)

TexWisGirl said...

those are actually black vultures, not turkey vultures. i like these guys.

good luck to your son and dil!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

offer on first home. wonderful...

Susan said...

Those are so cool looking. Great pics girl!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are pretty big! Best of luck to your son & DIL. Keeping Boston in my prayers. It was so tragic.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

i'd not want to go too close to buzzards either!

Carla said...

I wouldn't want to get to close either after all your fun with the goose.
Those birds give me the creeps. ;o)
They hang out off and on on the lake behind the house. Their wing spam is huge.
Great photos.
What lens do you use for taking pictures of birds?
I only have a 18-200mm but it just doesn't capture what I want.