Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The proverb "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers", first recorded in 1886, or the shorter  version "April showers bring May flowers" are common expressions in English speaking countries.....
we have been having April showers here in Texas...
we are very thankful....

the showers give our wild flowers a much needed boost...
soon they will not have much moisture...
with tons of sun and heat....

I read a blog post that made me stop and think...
if you get a chance stop by and read it...
we really do spend too much time playing with our phones...
not enough time interacting with people....
I'm making a promise to myself....
when I'm with others....my phone will stay put down...
no checking my Facebook...etc.....
During business hours I do have to keep track of my emails and such.... my phone is much faster and easier...

I know it will be a tough thing to break...
but my family and friends are more important to me...
while I was at the lake...I only checked my phone occasionally...
so I know it can be done...
how about you???
does your phone take up a lot of your time???


TexWisGirl said...

i keep it on me all thru the day - to check comments on my posts, mostly. but i don't face, tweet or pin - only blog and email.

we only got a drizzle today. hoping for more this week. the cool weather is kind of nice, one more time...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love that second photo, it looks like all the sticks were perfectly arranged for a portrait. no problme for me, since i don't have a phone

which brings up the fact when i meet my friend that lives two hours away for lunch when she comes to town, she spend half the time on her cell phone talking. i say turn it off unless it is really important when others are around.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful photos...

No checking cell phone here.

But I do understand.

I manage to leave my nose-stuck-in-a-book and at-computer-screen too much, to be GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY. -sigh-

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

your sidebar... #9 pic down... I am getting such a kick out of Hotrod, doing his Elvis impersonation, it looks like. -gigggggggggggles-

Judy said...

And here I thought I was the only person left in the civilized world without a cell phone...
I love that iris!!!

Tanna said...

Great photos again, Deb. I find more and more... I'm leaving my phone behind and staying off my computer... getting lots more done... =) Have a great week, Debbie! blessings ~ tanna

Susan said...

We've had some April showers too. Love them! Don't use my phone much, just for talking and texting which I don't do in my car. I get nervous changing the channel on my radio when I'm driving.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I seldom use my phone at home and only check for messages when I am out. I will use it more on a trip but I am never glued to it. I am so tired of people on it all the time. My friend at bowling is checking her phone the whole time we are bowling. I keep mine in my purse. We are there to have fun and talk with each other. I want to say something but I haven't.