Friday, April 5, 2013

 the blue bonnets are starting to bloom...
these were by the lake....
we've had a roller coaster ride with the weather this week...
we got much needed rain...
it got cold....but today...
the sun came out...the warm up as begun....
 this has been a strange week...
it has gone by so quickly....
Hubby and I got to go fishing a couple of nights this week...
 Tomorrow is my Daughter in Laws birthday....
Happy Birthday Beautiful....
we are having her birthday dinner on Sunday....
she requested hubbies hotwater cornbread...
so we are going to do pinto beans....hotwater cornbread...
a roast with potatoes and carrots...
an old fashion sunday night dinner...
Tomorrow my Mom and I are going to my
great Aunt's birthday....
Aunt Maudie....
a true Christian woman...
when you are with her you feel like you are with an Angel...
She was my Nana's sister in law...
but they always said they were really sisters...
I was fortunate to get to spend time with both of them
when I was growing up....
She is a blessing to everyone that meets her...
Hope you all have a terrific weekend...


TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday to your dear dil. and to your auntie. :)

Tanna said...

Happy Birthday to both of your dears!! Your DIL's dinner request sounds sooooo good!! I noticed the bluebonnets during my 12 hours of driving time this week! They were beautiful shining through the gray rain. Enjoy your celebrations! blessings ~ tanna

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh Bluebonnets! Lucky you!

TX wildflowers! Priceless gems, for your state. Thanks to 'Lady Bird'!!!

Enjoy the Birthday party!!! Happy Birthday to your Dear Daughter-In-Law!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have had a lot of birthdays recently, enjoy these two. love that litterbug sign..taking the week end off, no post until monday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the blue bonnets and the pretty cactus. The litterbug sign is just too cute! Have a fun birthday celebration on Sunday and hope the party your at today is also a fun time.

Janie said...

Happy weekend to you, Deb. Those bluebonnets are lovely. The dinner plans sure sound delicious.

Susan said...

Lots of birthdays! Happy Birthday to all of them. Hope your weekend was good!

Becca's Dirt said...

Happy birthday to both of the birthday girls. Your aunt sounds like a lovely person to spend time with.

Judy said...

The bluebonnets are so pretty!! And that thing in the photo after them, too!!