Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quotes and a Recipe

Every time you smile at someone,
it is an action of love,
a gift to that person,
a beautiful thing...
Mother Teresa
Don't believe every thing you hear.
There are always three sides to a story,
Yours, Theirs, and The Truth....

Why is it that the one who snores always goes to sleep first?

The best gift you could ever give someone is your time...
because you're giving them something that you'll
never get back...
Baked Cabbage....
1 tsp olive oil
2 Tbl. bacon bits
2 Tbl. lemon juice
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cabbage quartered
individually wrap in foil
Bake at 425 degrees for 20-30 minutes
Parga's junkyard
It is raining here in Texas today...
we were 80 degrees yesterday...
dropped to the 30's this morning...
I still haven't planted my veggie garden...
I've been waiting for all the freeze warnings
to end...I'm hoping to plant this weekend...
we will have Hotrod for the weekend...
hoping to take him fishing...
we are suppose to be in the 70's again...


TexWisGirl said...

love anything from mother teresa. what a beautiful soul. and love the quote about time, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great quotes and i like that swing.. we are high 80's but no humidity yet.
i might try that baked cabbage, i do love cabbage cooked or in slaw. sounds good

Tanna said...

CRAZY weather! 90 here yesterday, so far to 45 right now!! Crazy. Pouring rain, which we still need. But, man the extremes are making me nuts. LOL! Can't decide which clothes to put on or to pack if you are leaving!

Great photos, as always, Deb. And, I love cabbage fixed like this! blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Like the quotes and the snoring happens here all the time. I don't know how my husband falls asleep so quickly!!! That recipe sounds so delicious. Definitely going to try it.

Janie said...

I really like the quotes and photos, Deb. And the recipe looks really good.

Nancy said...

Enjoyed the words of wisdom today Deb. I can always use them it seems. It's very cold here too and wet. Hoping for some sun and warmth here soon!

Michelle said...

Great quotes. I have to tell you that I jotted down the recipe.

Linda P said...

I like the swing and it would be good to share that garden chair with a loved one. Hope you get some planting done in between other enjoyable weekend activities.

Judy said...

Another blog I just read mentioned smiles, too. Something about smiling at a mischievous kid can often prevent the mischief...

nancygrayce said...

I love all those quotes, but I tell you the snoring one is just so true! My husband always goes to sleep first and snores and even my dog snores! Makes for a noisy bed!

I think the storm system y'all had is headed our way. The wind is blowing hard and rain is coming any minute now! I don't want it to get cold!!!