Friday, April 19, 2013

most of the time my little Hotrod...
is a happy go lucky fellow....

singing....laughing....full of joy and happiness....

but sometimes.....
he is stubborn...hard headed....
can throw a hissy fit with the best of them....
yes....I am...admitting it....
my Hotrod is not always a ray of sunshine....

it's not an easy thing for an Oma to admit....
but I raised a strong willed daughter...
grew up with a strong willed brother...
both of which could test the patients of a saint...
but both grew up to be good adults....
so as an Oma that has lived through this...
I know this too shall pass....
(something I repeat over and over in my head)
but let me tell you....
at the end of the day....
I'm a tired Oma....
he is the love of my life....
hissy fits and all....


Linda said...

I hear you!! My precious four are adorable! However, little Kailey is SO much like her mother! Strong willed, a drama queen, demanding attention. I told her yesterday, "Why do you have to be angry all the time?" She doesn't CRY - YELLS!! Then waits to see if you will do what she wants. If not - she YELLS some more.
I stayed tired these days.....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can relate since I WAS a strong willed child myself and both of mine were just like me... when he gets in a hissy fit, just come to this blog and page through all these adorable pics

Bev said...

Well it takes all kinds...but we love them all...take care:)

Judy said...

My elder daughter was like that, too! Stubborn as the day is long!!! I used to say she could give lessons to a Missouri mule!! (Why are Missouri mules worse than any other type?) But now that she is an adult, she is really blossoming!!!

TexWisGirl said...

so i'm guessing his daddy was a sweetheart by comparison since you didn't mention he was hard-headed. :)

Janie said...

What a cute little guy - but I know a strong-willed toddler can be a major challenge!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I imagine those days can be very draining.....thankfully it doesn't happen very often!