Friday, April 12, 2013

 one good thing about the wind...
is flying a kite...
the one bad thing about flying a kite...
the trees....that like to catch them....
 or sometimes that just hit the ground....
 Hotrod decided he would take over...
to help out....

We've been reading a Winnie the Pooh book...
about a windy...windy day...
perfect for flying kites...


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awww, so cute!

Ohh yes, 'Winnie The Pooh and The Windy Day.' I think I have to dig in my box of old books, and see if that one is still there!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahemmmm, I LOVE 'Winnie The Pooh' and don't mind saying so!!!!! -grin-

Have I said, a neat new Header? I keep thinking it, and not saying it. Well, now I have!!! :-)

Judy said...

Remember Charlie Brown and the Kite Eating Tree?
We have a lot of wind today - too bad it is blowing the ice pellets into the windows, and everywhere else...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the last one best of all and i see he has many pockets for treasures...

Bev said...

Perfect thing to do in the spring!!

TexWisGirl said...


Susan said...

I remember that story. He is so cute trying to help with the kite!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so sweet. You will have to take him to a clear field on a windy day.....

nancygrayce said...

I haven't flown a kite in such a long time! We'll have to do that with our grandson next time we see him!